Class, Tues, 2/09


Getting Started



  • Tell a story about a good experience you’ve had with writing in school—a moment when you learned something useful or felt successful or had some fun. Don’t simply offer the lesson or moral of your tale. Show what happened. Set the scene, describe the people involved, show how events unfolded. Try to tell your story in a way that lets your readers understand your point without needing you to explain it to them. I will ask you to read this piece to introduce yourself to the class.


  • Listen and take notes as your classmates read their stories. See if you can identify some patterns in what they say, some common experiences with writing.


  • Form groups of 3 or 4. Drawing on your notes, create a list of at least four or five conditions that you all agree seem to lead to good experiences with writing in school. Make the items on your list as interesting and un-obvious as you can. This list will be your exit ticket, so make sure it is legible and that the names of all group members are on it.

Practical Matters

  • Exit tickets
  • Food and drink
  • Phones and social media
  • Punctuality and deadlines

Writing Geek

To Do

  1. Thurs, 2/11, class: Read the Course Materials posted to this site. Jot down two or three questions, keyed to specific pages on this site, that you’d like to ask me. This will be your exit ticket.
  2. Bookmark this WordPress site. Create a Twitter account and follow me (@joeharris_ud).

Moment of Zen

Stewie and Brian
Stewie and Brian, Family Guy